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Friday, October 8, 2010

Vaseline's Amazing Skin Party

较早前参加了Nuffnang和Vaseline联办的创意博客比赛,在大会规定的题目下写了一篇博客参赛。题为"Are you moist enough?"

比赛为期一个月,Nuffnang会在所有参赛者中选出75位参赛者携伴出席在十月二号位于Luna Bar, KL的poolside party

在九月尾的一天,check mail时发现我也收到了邀请函,有幸被邀请参加此次的派对。还蛮开心的,刚好家人也那几天会在KL,所以RSVP Nuffnang说我会出席^^

我邀请二姐跟我一起出席了,他也愿意~~所以一切都很顺利~只是差一点不知道Luna Bar的位置><

以下就是那天拍的照片,enjoy =P

 Soochin in Vaseline Party

LunaBar located in Pan Global building

We are sista❤
Night View of Luna Bar❤
Nicolette & Me❤
  Nicolette is one of the blogger I knew from the party, she is friendly and talkative too❤
She is juz 19, what a beautiful age...I look so old beside her...OMG

Luna Bar is so grand and class, I love that place but never try cocktail there. I tot it was a "cocktail party", but actually is "soft drinks party"....⊙﹏⊙nice also coz cant really drink alcohol much.....heeee><

Khoe ur style...

I stole^^
Special thanks my sister for accompanying me to attend this party, I knew you were not feeling well that day. You're so sweet for keep ur promise to me^^ 

And big thanks to my big sister for fetching me to the venue, its hard to find thou...coz type "Luna Bar" in GPS found nothing.

The party end and sister & me off to join family gathering with a super duper tired soul and body. 



  1. 你手臂上的名字有特别意思的吗?

  2. 我以为是拿来比赛用的,这个晚会只是看看走走罢了吗?

  3. 这个晚会有表演颁奖幸运抽奖玩游戏等~~


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