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Monday, November 29, 2010

囍 brother in law big day 囍

I wanted to blog bout this long time ago but the exam made me keep postponing it
but at the exam period I can blog other posts? 
Yea, this is the conflict. hahax.
That day was my Jie Fu's (brother in law) birthday in Chinese calender
so the sweetest wife (my sista) was planned to celebrate to him 
n counted me n Eddie in. 
I tot the day we met was only for a dinner 
I never tot it was a birthday dinner as well. 
Anyway, so happy to see them^^

Before comin to the restaurant Folie-Folie,  
my rate for this restaurant (★★★☆☆)
I've chose another place to have our dinner tat was
"碳世界"(where can hv steamboat). 
But finally I chose here
coz I feel tat steamboat nothing special to eat, 
n I dun have much chances to eat nice things 
so this time YEA~haha~
and so....were the dishes we ordered^^


singing Birthday song for him❤

Making Wishes (I hope I can earn 十桶金 before 30yo) XD

Slicing Cake~

Sista :" 宝贝老公,生日快乐!"

Jie Fu I wish u stay happy n healthy owes, 
n one more thing to add on is
I never see any older on you 
so you are young enuff for ur age~ 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

说话不算话的Eddie Loo!

不守信用,你对我说过很多次,考试期间怎么样也不能把身体搞垮,好好照顾身体,不能生病,所以我很乖,怎么样不爱喝水也灌多多,因为听你的话。你却这样病了,连你自己也不知道原因,我更不能知道,我们没有见面那几天发生的,所以我都不知道你干了什么来,连续熬夜多天吗?是精神压力太大?还是食物中毒?是霍乱?些不停在我脑子里转。是不发生也都发生了,疗才是唯一办法。最不希望看到的就是你生病,因为我了解你有多注重这次的考试第一天考试我都很紧张,比我自己考试更紧张,我怕题目出的你不会做,担心你读的他不出,担心你不会BOM,影响你的心情。一天,着时间等六点你打来说,我回来了,可以一起吃饭了,着等着,终于等到了你的来电,高兴的接,可是电话另一头却是我差一点认不出来的声音,告诉我,你陪不了我了,你上吐下泻,根本没力气,要我自己记着吃。的声音都变了,我听了很心疼,我在想我能帮上什么,可是想来想去,后才知道我做不了什么,我又不能去男宿舍照顾你,我又没有车载你去看医生我真的什么都做不到。只能一直要你take care,要你休息。当时真的心情很差,又担心,根本不知道你的情况。好不停向见过你的人打听,来了解你的情况。你说你爸妈会来载你,也很好,至少回到家,有妈妈照顾一定更好。么说朋友也有自己的事情要忙,帮不到多少,这下放心了。好你的下一个考试是是四号,可以修养多几天。 



Saturday, November 27, 2010

3 days to go...

Just-wake-up-face, wanna pinch me? I know I look like a bun, a BIG BUN face.
I woke up so early to have my super NICE breakfast and starting my day on doin revision for the next paper!!! FML
I'm struggling for the exam all these time. Now, left 2 papers which are Multimedia Database and Multimedia Design. 
MMDB is my weakness, I even can't understand what I've read, so I'm wondering how I answer the questions tomorrow. OM..G
However, try my best is the only way, no matter I can do it well o not, at least I can explain to myself tat I've tried my best...HOHO... 
So, same to you guys, my frens who haven finish exam...good luck to all of you^^

Interested to hv one cup of ROCKS MILO? New product of MILO, haven release to the market but I got it!!! Wanna try? come my room I'll give you one can of it^^ hehe~It taste similar to the ordinary Milo we usually drink, but the selling point is before bancuh it looks like rocks n so hard, u even cant smash it as it is so fxxking hard~!! So different right? And yea, this is my breakfast^^''

Tat was all bullshitting u know it~*-----*

This is wat I'm gonna move on.....goin to EMO again!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cheesy Xtreme 6 Pizza with Eddie

EHEM, my hand not purposely put like this LOL, I was scratching my head @@ while I was camwhoring.

One day, he brought me to Ipoh for a purpose. My sister wanted to meet me n ALSO him. LOL, he was panic all the day. Even choosing clothes can frustrating him. So funny, juz meeting my sister(have dinner ONLY)... not my parents, I wonder wat made him so panic?! LOL 

We started our journey at lunch time. We took half an hour to reach Jusco Ipoh. 
we bought "Megamind" movie ticket (Megamind made me LOL in the theater), 
we went POpular coz I wanted to find a book but ended up with nothing, 
we went window shopping around Jusco coz I didn't hv anything to buy, 
we went Pizza Hut to have our lunch. 

*Service n environment of Pizza Hut Jusco Ipoh is totally DISAPPOINTED me*

He is always say NO to my camera! *HATE*

 I ordered cheesy Xtreme 6 Pizza with topping Hawaiian Chicken as my boy anti-BEEF. So yea~

The cheeeeeeeeeeeeese is really delightful but if only 2 persons to finish a regular pizza. I think it is a bit too difficult because after u ate 2 pieces of it, you'll seriously feel its greasy, and wanted to "Urrrrrgh~" out loud. o_O

See how delightful the cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese was....

were trying our best to finish it up but ended up with took away 2 pieces..LOL

Failed using fork n knife to "settle" the Deli Wing, thus he claimed tat using hands can feel the yummy better.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

★Classic Chuck in BLACK★

Chuck Taylor All-Stars, or Converse All-Stars, also referred to as "Chucks" or "Cons" are canvas and rubber shoes produced by Converse. They were first produced in 1917 as the "All-Star," Converse's attempt to capture the basketball shoe market.

The Converse Rubber Company opened for business in the year of 1908 by Marquis M. Converse in Massachusetts. Marquis was in his upper 30's and had some earlier experience as a manager at a footwear manufacturing firm. Initially, Converse only made galoshes and seasonal shoes. Nine years later, however, they decided to make athletic shoes so they could have continual production all year around. 

As you all can spot the color I chose, Black color yay~ I would like to own it soon^^wait me baby classic chuck in black~Cheer~

There are so many choices under Converse, but I'm only in love with one of them, tat is Classic chuck by Chuck Taylor!!! If you interested to choose your favorite Classic Chuck too, click here and explore it^^

Wednesday, November 24, 2010




Goal Goal Goal~ Ole Ole Ole~

星期一,考完第二张paper,我约了Bobo在Lavender吃午餐。顺便,在那里一起念一下书。准备隔天的Internet paper。考试期间,我的样子就像(⊙o⊙),睁大眼睛,嘴巴微张,像个白痴。我的心情就像,⊙﹏⊙一样无奈。没什么特别的心情,又没有开心又没有不开心。就这样心里倒数着考试的日子。我有尽力做好我该做的,那接下来的我强求不了,所以平常心面对考试。

不要以为我们以读书的名义假假来这边其实是聊天为主哦,我们还真的有念到书,不过,也真的有聊到天。哈~我喜欢这边的Gor Gor的服务态度,LavenderUUM rankNo.1的cafe。哈哈~没试过的人来试试看吧。我喜欢他的Nasi Goreng TomYam。我们在等食物的时候念书,我们在吃完午餐后念书,我们在等巴士的时候念书,好懂事的小孩。^^''直到Bobo的NetBook没电了,才会去各自的宿舍~~~~~

加油温淑沁~你可以顺利考好,顺利去打工,顺利去玩,顺利过下半辈子。。。^_^o~ 努力!

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