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Saturday, November 27, 2010

3 days to go...

Just-wake-up-face, wanna pinch me? I know I look like a bun, a BIG BUN face.
I woke up so early to have my super NICE breakfast and starting my day on doin revision for the next paper!!! FML
I'm struggling for the exam all these time. Now, left 2 papers which are Multimedia Database and Multimedia Design. 
MMDB is my weakness, I even can't understand what I've read, so I'm wondering how I answer the questions tomorrow. OM..G
However, try my best is the only way, no matter I can do it well o not, at least I can explain to myself tat I've tried my best...HOHO... 
So, same to you guys, my frens who haven finish exam...good luck to all of you^^

Interested to hv one cup of ROCKS MILO? New product of MILO, haven release to the market but I got it!!! Wanna try? come my room I'll give you one can of it^^ hehe~It taste similar to the ordinary Milo we usually drink, but the selling point is before bancuh it looks like rocks n so hard, u even cant smash it as it is so fxxking hard~!! So different right? And yea, this is my breakfast^^''

Tat was all bullshitting u know it~*-----*

This is wat I'm gonna move on.....goin to EMO again!!!


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